Work with us!

Join the lab

We are looking for hardworking, curious, enthusiastic, and dedicated undergraduates, graduate students and postdocs! We strive to be inclusive and supportive and welcome applicants from all backgrounds, marginalized groups, and underrepresented minorities.

Graduate students can enter via the Psychology Department, Zoology Department, or Graduate Program in Neuroscience.

Send Prof. Soma a well-written email (see below for suggestions) with your CV attached if you are interested in joining our active and friendly group. If you are an undergraduate, also attach an unofficial transcript. 1st- and 2nd-year undergraduates are welcome to apply!

Some suggestions on how to write an email message about joining the lab:

We also welcome collaborations for steroid profiling by LC-MS/MS.

For more information, see our Collaborations page.


Email: ksoma[at]psych[dot]ubc[dot]ca

2211 Wesbrook Mall
Room S241, Koerner Pavilion
Vancouver, BC  V6T 2B5